March 15, 2010


Yesterday, I should have driven the last five hours back to Searcy with my best friends. Instead, my plane took off at 5:30 and now I'm home. I made it through the whole week with a PAACH (Positive Attitude And Cheerful Heart) but when my plane landed, the reality of the situation hit me again and I lost it. Here I am, 600 miles away from the people that I love. I shouldn't be here.

Today I started my online biology class while I should have been struggling to sit through Earth Science. I miss the dorm and the laughter and Spring Sing and club meetings. I'm missing a ring ceremony tonight for a girl that I love and I should be able to be there. I should be complaining about caf food and checking my mail rather than waiting for my brother to finish up my dinner. I should be struggling to get out of bed for chapel rather than sleeping until I wake up. I should be sitting next to Emily in the library laughing about her unfortunate computer situation rather than texting her about it. I should be staying up too late with my friends rather than staying up late texting them. I shouldn't have to skype them when I want to see them.

I do absolutely believe that God has a plan for the next few months. He's making me stronger and less reliant on people outside of myself. I'm learning to deal with emotions in appropriate ways. I'm growing in ways that I couldn't have grown in Searcy, but I wish I didn't have to.

BUT ANYWAY!! Enough of that :)

This past week was Harding's spring break. Had I been at school, I would have just come home. Since I was already home, I went to meet my friends. We spent a few days at twins' house in Nashville.

Then, we hopped in the car...
And headed to....
HENDERSONVILLE!!!! where we spent our days hiking...
and taking a billion pictures!
This is from the March of the Leprechauns. It was such a joke.
Overall, we had an absolutely wonderful week. I'm in love with North Carolina and Emily's family and I loved getting to spend time with my three best friends. They're fantastic. Jicyww :)

1 comment:

Morgan said...

I have no idea what your situation is like, but what you said in the beginning of this post reminds me of how I felt in May when I came home after spending two years at school in New York. Coming home was SO HARD, and I felt like I wasn't supposed to be here, like I should be there instead. I just felt so out of place.

So I can't tell you that I completely understand (because I probably don't), but I will tell you that I can relate a little bit, and that I hope that it all gets easier for you soon.

I'm glad that you got to spend time with your friends and get away for a little while! It looks like you did so many fun things. It all sounds so wonderful!